2012-03-08 02:06:24 | 阅读(670)
A reliable Oil & Gas company is looking for 1st class Chinese company specialised in Pipe fittings fabrication that interested and willing to establish factory in Dhahran area. The local party wants to be Joint venture and will provide land for the factory too. This local company has strong relationship with Saudi Aramco. Come on hurry up and get in touch asap
沙特阿拉伯东部某知名企业寻合作伙伴在沙特达曼建厂生产高质量阀门、管件等产品,主要客户为沙特阿美公司(Saudi Aramco), 沙特基础工业公司 (SABIC) 以及其他政府企业和政府部门的项目。
感兴趣合作的企业和个人, 请尽快与我们联系:
电话: 010-57017599
Email: yousuf@unionlever.com
Email: yousuf@unionlever.com
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